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Thanksgiving Promotions You Can Feel Good About

Written by Bess Couture | Nov 4, 2016 10:00:54 AM

As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them” – John F. Kennedy

This is one of my all-time favorite Thanksgiving quotes because it illustrates an often found truth about turkey day – many of us eat and say what we’re thankful for, but do little to act upon it. This year, lets do something different! Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means it’s time for you to start thinking about what Thanksgiving promotions you plan on hosting. Whether you go all out with turkey dinners or just keep it simple with some giveaways, Thanksgiving presents a great opportunity to promote your business and show gratitude for your customers.  Today we’ll look at just a few of the ways you can really step up your Thanksgiving promotions and give back to your community while you’re at it.


Did you know 49 million Americans struggle to put food on the table each day? And while a food drive at your business can’t feed all 49 million, you can certainly make a substantial contribution to your local food drive with the help of your patrons. Consider offering a 20% off discount for customers who bring in a donation for your food drive. This type of promotion is beneficial in two ways – first you’ll benefit your food bank and help feed Americans who would otherwise be hungry, second you’ll have the added good will of your customers who will feel good spending their money at your establishment over another dining option. Good will can go a long way in terms of both patron satisfaction and long term repeat business.


No one deserves more thanks this time of the year and throughout, than our troops. It goes without saying that our service men and women deserve the utmost respect, and now is the perfect time to show some appreciation for their service. An easy way to celebrate the season while giving back to those who serve our country is to pick a day or even a week, to offer free meals to military personnel. Not only will you be supporting the men and women who fight for our country, but you’ll be giving your community an opportunity to also come out and say thanks. Promote the event heavily with in store signage and social sharing, inviting the community to join you in saying thanks to our troops.


In case you’re unfamiliar, a Turkey Trot is the name many communities use for walkathons or races on Thanksgiving Day. You can organize or participate in your local charity run on Thanksgiving Day as a way to bond with your customers and raise awareness and money for a cause in your community. Being involved in events that bring the community together is a great way to attract free media coverage. Do you have regulars? See if they’d like to participate with you on a team. You can name your team after your business or even after a popular dish. Additionally, of your town is having a Thanksgiving Day parade find out if you can get involved since it’s another great way to gain exposure to many people.


This is one of the most common fundraisers for a business to host. You pick a day and a set percentage of sales from that day is donated to the charity of your choice. This is a great fundraiser to do for thanksgiving for three reasons. First, as people spend money on big Thanksgiving meals, they’re less likely to go out for dinner. By giving them an incentive to eat at your establishment, especially one they can feel good about, you’ll be likely to drive some added sales. Second, you can also host this fundraising night on a slow sales day – host the event on a Tuesday and drive some people through your doors who may not have come otherwise. And finally, giving back is what it’s all about. By donating a portion of all sales for the day you’ll not only feel great, but you’ll see your patrons feel great as well. It’s promotion that benefits all parties involved!



There you have it! Four Thanksgiving promotions that really highlight the true spirit of Thanksgiving. Giving back to your community is a great way to build rapport with your patrons and really solidify your value to the area. Patrons will feel great choosing your business to dine with and you’ll see your good will pay off both in short term thanks and long term repeat business. “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” - W. J. Cameron