Well folks, we just wrapped up another amazing week at the National Restaurant Association Show and the first thing we have to say is “WOW”! From up and coming trends to new technology, this show had it all. Not to mention we had the great opportunity to ring in 100 years of NRA, where they proudly displayed their
One focus in particular throughout the show was on the evolution of kitchen appliances. With advancement in these appliances, kitchens have the ability to run more efficiently. Efficiency is an owner’s best friend. With a more effectively operating kitchen, one can expect big savings in regard to time and labor. One session at the show titled Culinary Experience Center, went into this subject in detail. No doubt those in attendance left hungry for innovation!
Another take away from the show was the focus on young diners, like college students, and their need for customization and quality. Newer generations are looking for food that not only tastes good but is good for you, and the environment. When it comes to Gen-Z and Millennials, companies have to remember they are marketing to a socially aware group, looking to reduce carbon footprints, and push sustainability. Everything from the equipment being used to the food being served needs to be considered.
As always, the National Restaurant Association Show was a phenomenal experience. We love getting to talk to people throughout the food industry and making new connections. So, whether or not you had a chance to stop by our booth and say “Hi”, we hope you had a fabulous show. If by chance you didn’t get to attend this year, it is never to late to start looking into 2020!