We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The declaration of independence is one of the many documents we learn about in grade school. Many students are often required to actually learn it well enough to recite it on their own. While I cannot still recite the entire preamble to the Declaration, there is one line that will never fade from my memory and it’s the statement where we declare that we are all created equal and we have unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It’s the last right that truly strikes me as the most unique characteristic to American values, that we have the right to the pursuit of happiness. What does that mean to you? What brings you joy and how do you pursue that?

As an equipment manufacturer, we pursue happiness through the means of equipment distribution and sales. There is an inherent joy in selling the right piece of equipment to the right type of customer. And nothing brings more happiness than when you get an email or a call from a happy customer sharing how they’ve used the equipment to bring success to their business. And while I’m sure that sounds like an overinflated statement, I can promise you it is the truth. It’s the reason we highlight our customers through our social channels, and the reason why we love to meet up with them at trade shows. Nothing is more satisfying that hearing about how a piece of equipment changed the life of a business.
Before I go any further, please know, I’m not under any delusions that fryers and ovens are the highlight of everyone’s life. But for a restaurant, movie theatre or bowling alley, a single piece of equipment can make a huge difference on the bottom line. Foodservice is an ever expanding source of revenue for all types of operations and MTI is proud to have been able to facilitate that increase in sales for hundreds of businesses each year.
Because a large portion of our equipment sales go to small, single-shop, owners, we can be sure that the impact is felt. When you improving the bottom line for small business owner, there is a trickledown effect that improves the lives of many. Take, for example, our recent AutoFry in Action business spotlight, Ison’s Family Pizza. With an improved bottom line, Ison’s owner, Cecil Ison, is able to give back to the community. Ison’s is a HUGE community supporter, from sponsoring local sports teams to hosting events for fundraisers, that type of support would not be possible without a solid bottom line to back it up.
On a much larger scale, it’s also worth looking at the happiness that comes from a meal well ate. They say that food brings people together and we’d have to agree. From the dinner table to monthly gatherings of friends around an extra-large pizza, people love to come together and share food. And since food needs equipment to be prepared, we also take some pride in knowing our equipment is being used to prepare the food that brings people together each and every day.
So on Independence Day this year, MTI wants to thank all of our customers, for giving us the chance to pursue our happiness. We hope that you are able to pursue your own happiness, achieve it, and keep marching forward to that ever growing goal.
May this Independence Day bring forth a new hope to make our tomorrows most beautiful and happy. Happy 4th of July to everyone, from your friends at Motion Technology, Inc.