Ventless Revolution

Sign Up for Filter Change Reminders and Save!

Filter Change Reminder Program

Filter Change Reminder Emails Take the Guess-work Out of Filter Changing

If you're an avid MTI blog reader you already know all the benefits of regularly scheduled filter changes and the potential risks you take when you let a filter go unchanged for extended lengths of time. But we're all busy people, with multitudes of tasks to remember and actions to execute daily, it's amazing we remember anything at all!

Which is why we're launching our Filter Change Reminder club, an exclusive AutoFry customer benefit, reminding you at the exact right times to change your filters. In addition to reminding you of your regular filter changes, our email system will also provide you with exclusive club member pricing on various AutoFry accessories, cleaners and more!

Why care about filter changing?

How long do you want your AutoFry to be working? Two years? Five? Ten? How about Twenty? That's no exaggeration, we have plenty of AutoFry owners using models that are 20+ years old. How did they manage to keep their machine running for so long? Three words: Regularly Scheduled Maintenance. And it's important to note that maintenance includes daily and weekly cleaning as well as regularly schedule filter changes. Not to mention, delayed filter changes are the number one cause of machine breakdown. Not changing your filter can lead to condensation buildup, bad tasting food and foul odor emissions. Bottom line is that filter changes are crucial to keeping your machine working for the long haul and giving you the most return on investment.

Why sign up for the reminder emails?

You're a busy person, save yourself the trouble of having to remember yet another thing on your long list of to do's! With our reminder email program you'll only get four emails from us through the course of the year, unless you elect to receive additional email subscriptions. Each of the four emails will tell you which filter(s) need to be replaced and offer a significant discount on the purchase of your filters. In fact, just for signing up you'll receive a promo code to save $10 on your next filter pack purchase.  Plus, as a special bonus, we'll feature other discounts and savings within our email reminders on other various products you may be interested. Take advantage of our exclusive filter reminder program savings, or simply change your filters without any additional purchase - the choice is yours! No matter what, you'll never forget a filter change and might even save some money along the way!

Where do I sign up?

Sign up for Filter Change Reminders and save $10!Head on over to our Filter Reminder Signup page and get yourself into the program today! With your signup you'll receive a $10 coupon for your filter pack purchase, a great savings on top of an already reduced package price!

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