Ventless Revolution

Avoiding Holiday Waste With Ventless Kitchen Equipment!

Avoidin Holiday Waste (1)

leafThere is nothing worse than wasted food. When businesses are left with large amounts of perishables at the end of the day it can end up being quite costly if the extra product isn’t put to good use. This is especially true after a big holiday. It can be tough to find ways to reinvent leftovers into new dishes to help minimize food waste. Now, Thanksgiving has passed by and Christmas is just around the corner, so here at Motion Technology Inc., we thought it would be the perfect time to talk about some great ways to utilize uneaten holiday grub. Whether you are simply re-heating, or turning leftovers in something completely new, our ventless kitchen equipment is here to help. 

When it comes to holiday leftovers there are pretty much only two ways to enjoy them. They can be re-heated and preserved in their leaf 3classic form (this version is usually most enjoyed by the leftover purest), or they can be transformed into a creative, culinary solution for the more adventurous type. Either way, we are eliminating waste! So, let’s start with our MultiChef XL. Our high speed, ventless oven is ideal for warming up you holiday favorites. With the push of just two simple buttons the MultiChef XL brings your precooked veggies and proteins to temp in as little as one minute. By combining both forced air and microwave your dishes will re-heat both internally and externally.

How about the VentaGrill? Don’t you worry, we thought of a way to avoid food waste with our ventless griddle as well! You know, it just isn’t a holiday feast without mashed potatoes. One of our favorite ways to eliminate waste from big meals is by leaf 2 transforming our mashed potatoes into delicious potato griddle cakes! These are easily prepared and cooked directly on the VentaGrill. By simply combining your leftover taters with a bit of shredded sharp cheddar cheese and flour, you’ve created a delicious potato pancake to be served at breakfast time the following day.

Last, but certainly not least, is the AutoFry. Now, we know what you’re thinking, how can I transform my uneaten food into something different with a deep fryer? It’s really an easy and scrumptious solution. Two words, egg rolls. That’s right, egg rolls are the perfect vehicle to drive your holiday leftovers right into flavor-town! All it takes is filling your empty egg roll wrappers with a little bit of stuffing, turkey, and mashed potatoes. Next, all you have to do is roll them, fry them, and in just leaf4minutes you’re ready to enjoy! For an extra layer of flavor, try dipping your freshly fried holiday egg roll into some extra cranberry sauce or gravy.

So, worry about holiday food waste no more! With our ventless kitchen equipment there is always a solution to utilizing unused product and essentially protecting your bottom line.

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