National Pizza Month is celebrated in the United States every October, and it's a time when pizza lovers from coast to coast celebrate their favorite cheesy and delicious dish. This month-long celebration pays homage to the beloved pizza, which has become an iconic part of American cuisine. Restaurants and pizzerias often join in the festivities by offering special deals, promotions, and creative pizza creations. It's a time when people explore the diverse world of pizza.
One of the most exciting aspects of National Pizza Month is the opportunity for owners and operators to discover new unique pizza toppings for their menus. While traditional favorites like pepperoni, mushrooms, and green peppers are always a hit, this month encourages pizza makers to think outside the pizza box.
National Pizza Month celebrates the creativity and versatility of pizza, reminding us that there are endless possibilities when it comes to crafting this beloved comfort food. National Pizza Month is the perfect time for businesses to explore the world of pizza toppings and capitalize on the delicious diversity of this iconic dish.
We love trying out new pizza variations in our MultiChef ovens. Check out four of our most unique pizza toppings below and give them a try!
Sweet Corn
We know what you are thinking…corn on a pizza?! Believe it or not it isn’t as uncommon as you would think. Corn has been known to appear on Brazilian-Style Pizzas, for quite some time. Today, with dishes like Elote (Mexican Street Corn), corn is becoming more and more in demand so, why not add it to pizza?!
Did you think the pickle craze was over? Well, not by a long shot! Pickle Pizzas have become all the rage across the US, gaining popularity at fairgrounds and food festivals. With a creamy dill base, and crunchy, bite from the pickle chips, your patrons won't be able to resist. Take it to another level and use fried pickles from the AutoFry!
Goat Cheese
So often we think that mozzarella is the only appropriate cheese choice for a pizza. This just isn’t true! Don’t be afraid to swap your classic mozzarella for a soft, crumbly cheese. Goat cheese packs a bold and tangy punch that pairs perfectly with salty prosciutto or sweet peaches.
Ok, we promise, we haven’t lost our minds. Mayo drizzled over the top of a pizza is actually quite common outside the United States, particularly in places like Brazil and Japan. We recommend testing it out on a Meat Lover’s pizza!
So, what do you think? Are you still a little nervous to test out these unique toppings? All we can say is Don’t knock ‘em until you try ‘em! For more menu inspiration click the link below!