It is an exciting time at Motion Technology, Inc., and we want you to be a part of it! As we continue to grow and spread the word on our ventless revolution, we are looking to hear right from the source, exactly how our equipment has benefited or supported your business.
We know running a business can be stressful, and at times complicated. Between rising labor costs, changing food trends and costly kitchen additions, it can seem hard to stay ahead of the game. At MTI, we know the best way to keep up with this ever-transforming industry is by using the right type of equipment. The AutoFry is the automated, fully enclosed fryer that allows businesses to pump out perfectly prepared food in just minutes. Satisfying the hunger of your customers while easing the stress of your employees!
So, how has the AutoFry helped your business succeed? We want to know! We're offering an AutoFry Mystery Box of items, specifically picked for your establishment! Just, take a few minutes and submit a quick written or video
testimonial to receive your AutoFry Mystery Box. We don’t care how long, or how short your submission might be, just that we hear from you!
Now, hold on, we aren’t done yet!
Once you have submitted your testimonial, you will be instantly entered for a chance at the grand prize!
One of our lucky entrees will be chosen to receive FREE FILTER MAINTENANCE PACKS FOR LIFE, as well as a spotlight blog dedicated to their story and business!
No, we’re not crazy, we just love growing our relationships with our customers and shining a light on a well run business.
Well, don’t just sit there! Submit your testimonial directly to dfantasia@mtiproducts.com before January 1, 2020 in order to qualify. After we have reviewed each entry, we will make our selection and a winner will be announced.
We can’t wait to hear from you!