Looking to create a successful foodservice program, but are feeling overwhelmed? Well, you wouldn’t be the first or the last person to feel that way. There are so many things to consider. What kind of food do you want on your menu? What type of equipment do you need to create these items? Most importantly, How much is this going to cost?
Typically, business owners and operators tend to think there is no way to avoid the installation of costly hood and vent systems that are required for most commercial fryers and ovens. The good news is there are ways to make the process of implementing a foodservice program easier. Here, at MTI we saw the need for more reasonable options and created a line of ventless equipment that is not only more affordable, but safe and easy to use.
First came the AutoFry®. A fully enclosed, automatic deep fryer that does all the work for you, while keeping employees out of harm’s way. Plate up everything from fried chicken sandwiches & fries to churros & beignets with just the press of a couple buttons. The AutoFry will even shake the product for you like an actual fry cook. Next in our foodservice family came the MultiChef™. This highspeed oven practically cuts cooking times in half, while taking up barely any space in your kitchen. With the MultiChef, your menu can include delicious options like, cheesy quesadillas, pizzas loaded with toppings, or perfectly toasted paninis.
By combining the food preparation powers of the AutoFry and MultiChef you can turn your business into an unstoppable, yet flavorful force! With this in mind, we are excited to give a $500.00 discount to anyone who purchases both an AutoFry and MultiChef together. That’s right, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS! So, don’t wait. Get in touch with a representative in your area today to get started.