Adding a food service program can seem overwhelming, but it really doesn’t have to be. Whether you are looking to expand your existing business, or embarking on your first endeavor, Motion Technology, Inc. is here to say, "You have options!". Ventless kitchen equipment makes the addition of a food service program quick and simple. From affordability to functionality and everything in between, you won't be disappointed.
Now, you may be wondering exactly what steps to take to when adding a food service program. Well, wonder no more! We put together the business basics that should be considered when exploring your options.
To many, this is the most important aspect of adding a food service program. By understanding and setting your budget, you will be able to make more informed decisions on all of your purchases. For instance, when it comes for deciding on your kitchen equipment, you will find that hood systems can cost a pretty penny. In fact, some businesses spend up to $30,000.00! In comparison a ventless deep fryer like the AutoFry®, can cost less than half of that. Knowing your options is a vital part of getting the most out of your budget.
The amount of staff you need can be affected by different variables. Budget, being one of them. You can only hire as many people as your financial plan allows. The size and style of your establishment will also come into play. There needs to be enough staff to cover essential positions like food prep, wait staff, cook/chef, host/hostess and delivery drivers. By purchasing easy to use, automated kitchen equipment you can operate with a limited staff and avoid hiring a professional chef or cook to prepare food. For example, any employee can prepare freshly baked salmon and steamed veggies in the MultiChef XL™ without ever taking a cooking class.
Deciding on your menu will determine the whole vibe of your business. The food you serve has to meet not only your expectations as the owner, but the expectations of your customers. Whether you chose to do a limited menu, or endless options, you will need to be consistent in your quality. If you are serving fried food, it better be crispy, and if your pumping out pizzas that cheese better be melty! The best way to ensure perfection for your patrons is with kitchen equipment that you can rely on. The automated technology of both the AutoFry and MultiChef XL provide mouthwatering results each and every time.
Making the most out of your square footage is essential. Especially if you are leasing your space. Every penny counts, and you will want to get your money’s worth! With compact, ventless equipment, businesses can operate like a large commercial kitchen in limited room. For example, our products require zero side clearance, giving owners and operators more counter space for other necessities like food preparation or additional storage. Furthermore, both our oven and fryers are portable, so if you relocate your business, they can easily come with you.
Opening or expanding a business is no simple feat and we know you probably have more questions. So please, click the link below and let us be your source for ventless kitchen solutions.