Happy Labor Day! This special day falls on the first Monday in September, and for well over 100 years our country has celebrated the hard-working Americans that make it the thriving land that it is today. It was created in recognition of the individuals who get up every day and head to work in the hopes of making a better life for themselves, their family and our country. 
Here, at Motion Technology Inc., we proudly come into our office and factory each day in Northborough MA, ready to work! We like to think, it really is a labor of love. From the production team and customer service, to marketing and sales, we give 110% every day of the week. We give it our all on a daily basis because we have a common goal, to keep our clients happy members of our ventless family!
Speaking of our clients, we know that we aren’t the only hard workers! Just like our staff, our customers are heading into their jobs each day, ready to take on the day. That is why it is so important to us that we create the best products possible. We know that other businesses rely on our equipment to help themselves thrive, and the last thing they need is to be in a tough spot. For almost 30 years, we have been perfecting our kitchen equipment and have developed the best ventless fryers and high-speed oven available! We have also raised the bar for customer service in our industry. Our technical team is available 7 days a week until 8 pm Eastern time to assist our clients with any questions they may have.
Not only are our products reliable, they are also BIG money savers! Running and operating a business comes with a hearty amount of expenses, both planned and unplanned. For instance, a commercial convection oven or open fryer requires a hood to be installed before With the AutoFry and MultiChef, owners can save anywhere from $20,000-$30,000 in costly hood installations!
Yes, you read that correctly, $20,000-$30,000! We did say BIG, didn’t we?
Beyond saving the hard-working American money, we also want to help them make some of that green stuff. By combining the AutoFry and MultiChef any business can arm themselves with a full arsenal of culinary capabilities. From breakfast to dinner,
there isn’t a mealtime our ventless equipment can’t handle. Within minutes you can create tasty pizzas, deliciously roasted vegetables, and freshly fried appetizers with just the press of a few buttons! Not to mention our products are so easy to use, any employee can operate them.
We like keeping things simple, so we created a number of cleaning guides and videos to assist our clients with the operation and maintenance of our equipment.